The Consistent Calvinism Podcast seeks to defend the theological position known as Calvinism or Reformed Theology with an approach grounded firmly in both scripture and logic. Calvinism vs Arminianism is becoming one of the most heated debate arenas in modern theology, with topics such as free will, divine determinism, predestination, TULIP, and understanding God‘s role in salvation and topics of soteriology. This podcast seeks to not only provide a solid and consistent Calvinistic position but also to launch an all-out assault on all non-Calvinistic positions to demonstrate their inability to be biblically and logically consistent.
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Did You Believe Because You Were Better?
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
We address Leighton Flower's response to a very common Calvinistic argument: Why did you believe and your neighbor did not? Were you better? Smarter? In a better mood? More spiritually sensitive? We counter his attempts to flip this argument around on Calvinists by explaining the difference between natural faculty ability and moral ability based upon dispositions. We also demonstrate the illogic behind the free will answer to this question and show that at the end of the day the question remains unanswered. Subscribe on Youtube and follow on Twitter @CCalvinism.
Sunday May 16, 2021
Election In Ephesians 1: Individual or Corporate?
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
We cover the differences between Personal, Individual Election in Ephesians 1 and the view of "Corporate Election." We respond to a short presentation of this view by Leighton Flowers of Soteriology 101. Corporate Election seeks to get away from God choosing individuals in eternity past and instead puts forth the idea that God is choosing a plan. God is choosing THAT those who believe will be saved, but God is not choosing PEOPLE specifically. We show how Ephesians 1 does not allow for anything other than God choosing individual people in Christ before the foundation of the world. Subscribe on Youtube and follow on Twitter @CCalvinism.
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Recent Drama Over Unconditional Election
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
We cover recent drama over a meme put out by Leighton Flowers of Soteriology 101. We also attempt to properly explain Unconditional Election from a consistent Calvinist perspective.
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Human Responsibility Properly Understood
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Episode 3 is a response to a recent episode of Soteriology 101 where Leighton Flowers presents Human responsibility as a "great conundrum" within Calvinism. We demonstrate why it is not by placing human responsibility into its proper context as being part of creation rather than something to be viewed on the ultimate level as many people mistakingly see it.
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Can God Foreknow Future Free Will Choices?
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
In episode 2 we respond to a recent episode of Soteriology 101 where Leighton Flowers and Eric Hernandez discuss whether or not God can foreknow future free will choices. Our answer as Calvinists is "No, he cannot."
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Free Will Is Logically Impossible (For Us) - Calvinism vs Arminianism
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Episode 1 starts with one of the most hotly debated topics: Free Will. What is free will? Do we have it? CAN we have it? Is it logically possible for us to have it? My answer is NO!
I start off by defining what free will is by using the only definition that matters in this theological discussion: freedom from God. I then lay the foundation for the Calvinistic position with 3 key bible verses demonstrating the unavoidable reality that we are never metaphysically free from God. I explain why these 3 verses deny all forms of the ancient heresy known as deism and therefore leave no room for any degree of deism or dualism. The only possible worldview remaining is a worldview where God is in absolute control of everything that He has created at all times from start to finish.
I then delve into a long-winded section on the idea of "choice" and the nature of what it means for us to make choices in a finite realm. "Free Will" is not something we ever utilize in daily life when answering the question of why we did something, because it is actually not an answer at all. Instead, we always give deterministic, reality-based answers. Since choice for us in a finite realm is always a reaction to the situations we find ourselves in, we can conclude that God is the only truly free and autonomous being in existence.
I then refute the false assumptions that if Calvinism is true, and God controls all things, that we are then being forced by God to do things or are nothing more than puppets or robots. These false assumptions stem from ignoring that God not only controls what you do but also the fact that you want to do it. The idea of "force" is not strong enough to describe the level of control that God has over us.
I then explain why God can be the author and cause of all things, including sin, and yet not be a sinner Himself. I provide the Calvinistic answer (the only possible answer) to the problem of evil and address how God can be in control of what we do and still hold is responsible.
I follow this with a brief series of questions for the free will position to demonstrate that they do not have an actual answer to the problem of evil. To the free will position, it is a "mystery."
I then transition into a very long list of interesting questions that the free position needs to provide answers to. These questions are questions that need to be answered regardless of whether or not Calvinism is true or false. None of the questions should be answered by pointing at the Calvinist position.